
basic English Vocabulary

A strong vocabulary is essential for performing well on the IELTS exam. Here’s a comprehensive guide covering important vocabulary for various IELTS topics, providing you with a one-stop solution for your preparation.

People and Relationships

  • Family:

    • Mother: My mother is a teacher.
    • Father: His father works in a bank.
    • Brother: I have an older brother named John.
    • Sister: My sister is studying medicine.
  • Relationships:

    • Friend: My best friend lives next door.
    • Neighbor: Our new neighbor is very friendly.

Common Verbs

  • Actions:

    • Do: I do my homework every evening.
    • Make: She likes to make cakes on weekends.
    • Go: They go to the gym three times a week.
    • Come: Please come to my party on Saturday.
  • States:

    • Be: I am a student. / She is happy.
    • Have: We have a new car. / They have two dogs.
    • Like: I like chocolate ice cream. / He likes playing football.
    • Want: She wants to travel the world. / Do you want some coffee?

Daily Activities

  • Home:

    • Wake up: I wake up at 7 AM every day.
    • Take a shower: He takes a shower after his morning run.
    • Eat breakfast: We eat breakfast together as a family.
    • Go to bed: She goes to bed at 10 PM.
  • Work/School:

    • Attend classes: I attend classes from Monday to Friday.
    • Study: They study for exams every weekend.
    • Have meetings: We have meetings every Tuesday morning.
    • Finish work: He finishes work at 5 PM.

Common Nouns

  • Places:

    • House: They live in a big house with a garden.
    • School: Our school is close to the park.
    • Store: I need to go to the store to buy groceries.
    • Restaurant: We had dinner at a nice restaurant.
  • Objects:

    • Phone: My phone is out of battery.
    • Book: She borrowed a book from the library.
    • Table: There is a vase on the table.
    • Car: His car is parked outside.

Numbers and Time

  • Numbers:

    • One: I have one brother.
    • Two: She bought two tickets for the concert.
    • Three: They have three cats.
    • Ten: The meeting starts in ten minutes.
  • Time:

    • Minute: The bus will arrive in five minutes.
    • Hour: It takes about an hour to drive there.
    • Day: She visits her grandparents every Sunday.
    • Year: We moved here two years ago.

Basic Adjectives

  • Descriptive:

    • Big: They live in a big house.
    • Small: She has a small dog.
    • Fast: The car is very fast.
    • Slow: He is a slow runner.
  • Colors:

    • Red: She wore a red dress.
    • Blue: The sky is blue today.
    • Green: He bought a green shirt.
    • Yellow: The walls are painted yellow.


  • Personal:

    • I: I am going to the market.
    • You: You are my best friend.
    • He: He is a good singer.
    • They: They are playing soccer.
  • Possessive:

    • My: This is my book.
    • Your: Is this your pen?
    • His: That is his bike.
    • Their: Their house is beautiful.

Common Prepositions

  • In: The keys are in the drawer.
  • On: The book is on the table.
  • At: We will meet at the park.
  • With: She is going to the movie with her friends.
  • By: The report was written by the manager.

Basic Questions

  • Wh- Questions:

    • What: What is your name?
    • Who: Who is your teacher?
    • Where: Where do you live?
    • When: When is your birthday?
    • Why: Why are you late?
    • How: How do you make this dish?
  • Yes/No Questions:

    • Is it…?: Is it raining outside?
    • Are you…?: Are you coming to the party?
    • Do you…?: Do you like pizza?
    • Can you…?: Can you help me with this?
    • Will you…?: Will you be there tomorrow?

Common Conjunctions

  • And: I like apples and oranges.
  • But: She is smart but lazy.
  • Or: Do you want tea or coffee?
  • So: It was raining, so we stayed indoors.
  • Because: I stayed home because I was sick.
  • Although: Although it was raining, we went for a walk.
  • If: If it rains, we will cancel the picnic.
  • When: Call me when you arrive.
  • While: I read a book while waiting for the bus.

Basic Adverbs

  • Frequency:

    • Always: She always gets up early.
    • Usually: We usually eat dinner at 7 PM.
    • Sometimes: He sometimes goes for a walk in the evening.
    • Never: They never eat fast food.
  • Manner:

    • Quickly: He finished his homework quickly.
    • Slowly: She speaks very slowly.
    • Carefully: He drives carefully.
    • Well: She sings well.
  • Time:

    • Now: I am studying now.
    • Then: We went to the park and then to the restaurant.
    • Soon: She will be here soon.
    • Later: I will call you later.
    • Before: Finish your work before you leave.
    • After: We went home after the movie.